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Helping people living with dementia.

The following report was kindly provided by Derek Chappel, Club President.

"The Club President welcomed Julie Henderson, the Lead Regional Fundraiser for North Yorkshire, Hull and East Riding on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Society.

There had been numerous diverse events that club members supported throughout the year.

For example - the President's Charity Day, Yorkshire Day,

the Fish and Chip Supper...

All involved were thanked for their unwavering support without which the magnificent sum of £2758 would not have been achieved.

The cheque was then presented to the society.

Julie Henderson and Derek Chappel (both centre) with our club Chairman (far right) and club members.

Ju Henderson then responded on behalf of the society and explained where our money will make a difference.

She also explained how the society worked in our area and who could help in specific areas. It was gratifying to hear our efforts had been worthwhile.

Club members show their appreciation.

Thanks were given to Linda, Margaret and Barbara for their work in the kitchen

... and of course to Ju for attending.

Final thanks went to the large number of members who attended the presentation.

It often goes without comment but I would also like to thank Jeff for his photograph records and time spent updating our galleries."

Photographs: Jeff Jaycock

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